Good morning! First, I want to wish all of my fellow Americans a VERY happy Memorial Day! I am so thankful to have a day dedicated to honoring those that have given their lives to protect us! My family and are so very grateful!!
Thank you all for the comments you left on my giveaway post! It sounds like we all pretty much agree on what's important in cardstock for stampers: solid color (with lots of great color choices), heavy weight (but not too heavy), and one that will fold well without cracking or fraying! If you get a chance to try this cardstock, let me know what you think! Like I said in my post, I am really enjoying it. The only thing I can't attest to (yet) is the steadfastness of the color. Time will tell on that though... In my opinion, Bazzill has a real winner with this line!
Okay, now for the winner!
According to, the winner is Sue from Oregon!
Congratulations Sue! I have already sent you an email!!
Thanks so much for stopping by! ~Laurie